Malek Benzerga.

I read paper, Epub, pdf books, As long as it's readable xD
Mostly in english and arabic.
I go with SelfDev; Psychology; Education; Parenting; Philosophy books, beside other genres.
Let's be friends on Goodreads :D

I recommand

Steal like an artist

Book with creatives ideas presented with a cute and unusual way! written by Austin Kleon.

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The five love languages

Love is not just what you feel but also what you show! Undrestunding how you and your loved ones feel loved and work on it is the perfect kind of love.

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Don't Make Me Think, Revisited

Through this book you’ll discover what made Don’t Make Me Think so essential to Web designers and developers around the world.

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Ego is the enmy

If you would like to put your ego in check, this book is for you. Pre-Order It.

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Stories and Books are just data with a soul!💛.

Brené Brown